Japan Day 1: The Climb to Mt. Fuji Summit

Bullet-climbing. That’s something i have just learned recently – it means climbing up the mountain straight up and climbing down almost immediately with little to no rest in between. In other words climbing overnight without sleep. I guess that would be fine if it were a typical mountain, but this is the highest peak in Japan I'm talking about. It’s not the highest in Asia but it is still quite high and the climb is not something to underestimate, plus the intended climb was to be done at a usually cold night. Still, i decided to bullet-climb my way for the summit. My intention was to start early in the evening, climb through the night and have enough time and rest at the summit for the sunrise then hurry back down the next morning. That sounded easy and simple enough. The experience though, is something quite different, for the most difficult and most interesting parts happen in between those activities. This is a story i just have to tell.