14 Stations at High Street
disclaimer: i’m not promoting anything with this post. it’s actually the first time i found out about ChurchSimplified. this post is just to tell you what is happening at High St. where i live nearby.
Every year (it seems), BGC’s High Street plays host to ChurchSimplified’s 14 Stations program. This is obviously not a ‘Bisita Iglesia’ as the venue does not involve any church for you to visit. In this platform, you have several ‘exhibit-like’ setup for each of the 14 Stations, all throughout the length of High St.
Each station features at least a panel that explains the station and the ‘Act’ that participants can perform to internalize and contribute for the message and reason of that particular station. Some stations are simple explanations that you can just read and contemplate. Others are a bit more extravagant, featuring several degrees of involvement from the participants.
In some of them you just listen to phone (they use those old dial telephones). For others you get to literally carry a wooden cross on your shoulder, of course being assisted along the way. With some, you write messages on a piece of paper that you can post on a graffiti. There’s even one, where you are asked to hammer nails on a piece of cross laid on the ground.
It’s quite interesting to say the least. You’ll notice some people really taking it seriously. I’m not sure about the others though, especially when you see them smiling and taking pictures/videos while participating.
It makes me wonder how many of those who literally carried a wooden cross at the 7th Station, had a sumptuous dinner at their favorite restaurant in High St afterwards. I do not question their sincerity, just the persistence of it. It is something that isn’t as obvious when the venue is filled with expensive restaurants and cafes.
On the other hand, I can understand that this is one of the longest vacation we have in the Philippines and for most, the only chance they have to spend time with their family. I guess, spending quality time with your family is still worth as much as visiting any station of the cross at any venue.
Have a peaceful Lenten Season.
really? Ang galing naman. :)