Video Marathon: An official bum’s task

truebloodOne of the most important responsibility of an official bum is to have a regular Video or DVD MARATHON! It's probably in the top 5 things to do when your just bumming around (someday, i would have to rank them into a post).
note: this is also a brief review of True Blood and Battlestar Galactica
There are a ton of videos to spend countless hours of doing nothing in front of a screen (be it a portable device, a flatscreen TV or your PC). The choices of things to watch mostly fall in the following list (in order of importance):
  1. Recent Movies
  2. TV Series
  3. Korean TV Series (sub-titled in really bad English translation)
  4. Favorite Movies (that you have seen only thrice this month)
  5. Old Movies (that you've forgotten you had)
  6. Literally Old Movies (those that were made before you even existed)
  7. Obscure Movies (those that you never thought existed)
  8. Pron
    *okay, this should not be included here since depending on the type of person –  mostly men (and their mood) it would sometimes rank as number one, thereby ruinning the order. lol
As an official bum, i have obliged myself to perform this regular task. In the next couple of days, I would be glued to this LCD. And to help out my fellow bummers and couch-potatoes out there, here are some suggestions as what to watch if you just happen to run out of New Movies or Youtube videos to kill the time (if you haven't seen them, yet):
1. True Blood trueblood Ah, one of my favorite TV series that isn't as widely known or watched due to its for-adults-only nature. For those who have no idea: the premise of this HBO series is about the love between a Vampire and a human. Sounds familiar? Maybe. But don’t worry this is nowhere near the excruciatingly sweet teenage love story. In this series Vampires have gone out to public and is trying to establish some sort of equal rights and recognition with humans. There are a lot of things in this series particularly social-satire undertones, gory deaths, naked bodies, mythologies and more naked bodies topped usually with dark comedy and a drizzle of swearing. It's just fun and addicting to watch.
Can't wait for the next season's release! And yes, i have no patience in catching it in its air-date. (official bummers are impatient like that. hehe)
their site:
Final Warning: This series is not for the faint of heart and definitely NOT for kids – don’t watch this in a living room full of kids (or when you’re parents are there).
2. Battlestar Galactica (and Caprica) battlestar_galactica_iso Okay, this series is a bit old now but not everyone is aware of it. I heard it way way back, but never really bothered watching it until a friend told me I should see it (and she even gladly lend me a copy of the final season). I was a bit apprehensive on the first few episodes, i felt like i was thirsty and tired watching people doing space battles and war and surviving. Then, it just grew on me. Particularly interesting is that apart from the action, there is drama with regards to people's determination, loyalty, politics and love. It's got everything from mystery to action to 'West Wing' like characters. This series is a must see for everyone who loves epic-stories about war (this time in deep space) and politics. By the way, the one we have now is a 're-imagined' series. It's already a re-incarnation of a previous movie/series. I would love to someday get a hold of the originals (so I can compare, again. hehe) The new 'prequel' series is called "Caprica". Watch Battlestar first before the prequel, to keep the mysteries intact.
What the fruck! Umm.. sorry, I just had to say it. Watch the series and you’ll see why. lol.
Here’s a link:
I will be posting some more updates and reviews on which videos to see and spend precious time being unproductive in front of your screens. Well, unless your job is a movie critique.


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