How to Change Windows Live Writer Save Location (and sync it with Dropbox)

imageI seem to be doing this a lot of times now: manually changing Windows Live Writer save location so it points to my Dropbox folder. I’m a huge fan of this two programs/services. I don’t know about the future of Live Writer but i’d probably be using it still for a long time. And, to those who have been using it for sometime now, would know that one of its biggest limitation is that it doesn’t allow you to change the location where it saves your local drafts/posts.

You can always go the slightly hard way. Set the links manually to dropbox. i guess it’s the normal way, which isn’t really difficult, only a hassle.

So, to save myself of the same hassle every time – i’ve created a simple tool to automate it. I’m posting this app for anyone who might need it as well.

Here it is.
Just download the zip and extract in your desired folder. Please extract everything – not just the EXE file. Then run the DropTo.Dropbox application.
There’s a README.txt file in there for some more details.

This app isn’t limited to Dropbox or to Live Writer for that matter, but for now this is what i use it for.
It requires Windows Vista, 7 or 8 and the dot Net framework if you don’t already have it.

I’ll post some more technical details about this in my techblog here.

Happy blogging! 


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