Star Trek 2013: 3D or Not?
Star Trek: Into Darkness (2013)
Wow! This movie just packs a whopping wow!
(of course, being a Star Trek fan i would still have said wow even without seeing it first).
I just think this movie is awesome and really worth the watch (and re-watch), but i won’t make a review just to avoid writing a post that would probably sound like a screeching fan girl. Instead, let me just answer a very simple question which i proposed at the very title:
Should i watch Star Trek (2013) in 3D or not?
I will let the the font size compensate the lack of details to justify my answer:
3D or not? NO.
but, you should watch it in iMAX!
iMAX or iMAX 3D is fine, so long as it is iMAX.
Yes, you heard (or read) it right. You should catch this movie in iMAX but not for the 3D effect. Watch it there because of it’s sheer grandiose. The movie just boasts a ton of epic scenes that a regular cinema simply won’t be able to justify.
The 3D is really nice, especially at the first few minutes in the movie but you’d soon lose notice of it after awhile. That’s not a problem as the action scenes, fantastic CGI and grand scale of things (it is after all a movie with a great mind over outer space) takes over and then some.
That’s it, i said i won’t post a review (other than the 3D aspect). Now, if you don’t mind, i have to go back and revisit my TOS: Wrath of Khan.
Happy watching! Oh, and..
Live long and prosper!
Hmm... Maybe I should consider watching in iMAX :)